Curling and Connections: What are the chances?

My hobby is the sport of curling. My husband and I joined a group of volunteers to teach people how to curl last night. I was working with a group of 6 out of the 18 people who came to learn. They were great and we got them on the ice and curling a short […]

From Prosecutor to Advocate: Why I care

New board member Ann Rowland, retired Assistant U.S. Attorney, shares her story. I retired last January after 37 years as a federal prosecutor in Cleveland. Among other cases, I was in charge of successfully prosecuting former Cuyahoga County Commissioner Jimmy Dimora and 65 others for bribery and other crimes in the Cuyahoga County corruption investigation. […]

Cincinnati & National News

I have been invited to speak to a class at the University of Cincinnati on Thursday, March 7. Molly McMahon Graziano and I look forward to putting together additional speaking opportunities and meetings while we are in town. We would appreciate your introductions to interested groups in the area. So far we have given presentations […]

Columnist Chuck Yarborough on Death with Dignity

Read: A near-death anniversary kindles a wish: Shouldn’t we be able to choose our own time to cross the Rainbow Bridge? – From, October 26, 2018. This piece ran in the Plain Dealer on 10/28/2018 under the headline ‘Sadness? Yes. Death with Dignity? Yes. Humans Deserve the Same’ Chuck Yarborough, the Plain Dealer’s music critic, […]