Mother’s deathbed request becomes daughter Vikki’s mission.

VIDEO (4 min.): This short video combines Vikki’s experience with her mother, Betty, with information about medical aid in dying to help Ohioans understand the facts about this option. Polling shows that an overwhelming number of Ohioans, across all demographics, want an aid in dying option. Vikki’s story helps explain why.

The Leslie Keller-Biehl Memorial Fund

By Alex Keller-Biehl. My mom died of cancer this past April and it was my privilege to be her caregiver at the end of her life. Even with hospice care, her death was not the peaceful end that she wanted. In honor of her life, my family and I have started a fundraising drive and are matching your donations.

Pamela Gredicak (1965-2020): Control Over My Death

Pamela Gredicak Hot Air Balloon

With great sadness, we share Pamela’s story again and endeavor to honor her memory in moving forward. Pamela met life head on, with an infectious smile and the goal of having the option of Medical Aid in Dying at the end of her life. We are humbled to be the recipients of donations in her memory.