David Goodman Portrait

We would like to thank Board Member Vikki Miller and Policy Committee Member David Goodman (pictured) for making their voices heard in Ohio’s newspapers. Every voice makes a difference. Visit our Take Action page to find ways to use your voice, and write to your legislators.

The Plain Dealer printed an opinion column by David Goodman, a valued member of our Policy Committee, on April 23 on page E2 with the headline Ohioans need access to legal end-of-life options being offered in other states. The full column can also be found online at Cleveland.com. Mr. Goodman concludes his compelling column:

We all know that our days here will end. I believe that death is a human issue and should not be a partisan issue. If you agree that terminally ill Ohioans should have access to end-of-life options including medical aid in dying, please let your legislators know.

Vikki Miller advocates for medical aid in dying because of a promise she made to her dying mother. You can read Vikki’s story here. She had the following letter published at The Enquirer/ Cincinnati.com:

I made my mother, Betty Richardson, a promise as she died two years ago: to pass a law allowing mentally competent, terminally ill Ohioans to access Medical Aid-in-Dying. Since then, New Mexico, Maine and New Jersey have passed such laws. One in five Americans now has this option that allows self-determination and comfort at the end of life. Because of COVID-19, people are more aware of the need for advance directives. But Ohioans also should have an End of Life Options law. Please contact your legislators. Request they introduce legislation or reintroduce SB 249 from General Assembly 132. —Vikki Miller

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