Join Lisa for a Virtual Book Club discussion. This month, we are reading “Death Without Denial, Grief Without Apology” by former Governor of Oregon, Barbara K. Roberts.
When her husband, State Senator Frank Roberts, was dying from lung cancer, she had to look inside of herself as well as beyond herself to find ways to survive what felt unbearable. What Barbara Roberts learned during the final year of her husband’s life, and her subsequent years of grieving, fill the pages of this honest and inspiring new book. – Description excerpted from Amazon.com.
This book is not readily available through local libraries, but it can be purchased through Amazon. Use this link to purchase the book (you will need to sign in if you have an existing account too) and Amazon will donate a small portion of the proceeds to Ohio End of Life Options.
We will be meeting on Thursday, October 15 at 4:00 pm on Zoom. Please Register Here. You will receive a confirmation email containing the Zoom link.
Books that have been discussed in past meetings:
When Breath Becomes Air by Paul Kalinithi
The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks by Rebecca Skloot
Finish Strong by Barbara Coombs Lee
Being Mortal by Atul Gawande
When My Time Comes by Diane Rehm