Take Action
Thank you for wanting to take action! Click here to sign up as an Ohio End of Life Options volunteer. There are so many ways to take action without leaving your home. We are also happy to talk about our issue face-to-face at public events and conferences. Contact us if you would like more information or to schedule a representative to speak at your event. See below for other ways to take action.

Email Your Ohio Legislators
The most likely path to a medical aid in dying law in Ohio is by introducing a bill to the Ohio Legislature. Let your representatives know that you support this issue. Medical aid in dying is not as partisan an issue as you might think, so make your voice heard! Click here for an easy way to email your Ohio lawmakers.

Write a Letter to the Editor
A letter to the editor of your favorite publication is a great way to share your thoughts and feelings about medical aid in dying. It will help educate people about the issue in a respected format. Here’s how to write a letter to the editor.

Support Us
Please consider donating to our organization. It is a 501(c)3 nonprofit and your donations are deductible to the extent allowed by law. Your support helps us reach out across Ohio to raise awareness and provide fact-based education about Medical Aid in Dying for the terminally ill. Thank you!

Start Talking About Death
Death is truly one of the last “taboo” subjects in our American culture, though it seems this is starting to change. It’s crucial to our mission that people become more comfortable talking about their end-of-life wishes, learning their options, and planning for death so that they can get on with living their life. We have many resources to get you started.