Advocating for a Medical Aid in Dying law for Ohioans
with terminal illnesses who want all health care options at the end of life.

Ohio End of Life Options Political Fund: We believe that Ohioans with a terminal illness should have the ability to make their own end-of-life decisions. Contribute today to support our fight for access to Medical Aid in Dying. This will allow us to engage a lobbyist and move forward with political messaging. Ohio End of Life Options Political Fund is a 501(c)(4) nonprofit organization, and contributions are NOT tax-deductible.
Board President: David S. Goodman (read David’s Opinion Piece)
Board Secretary: Ann Rowland (read Ann’s Opinion Piece)
Board Treasurer: Kimberley Barton
Board Members: Amy Foti, Kathryn (Muffy) Kaesberg and Jeremy Shapiro
Executive Director: Lisa Vigil Schattinger, MSN, RN
Contact us at with any questions. Thank you for your support.