How to Access Medical Aid in Dying in Oregon and Vermont
Thursday, August 8, 2024
6:30 PM EST
via Zoom
Registration ends Wednesday, 8/7 at midnight.
Join us for an interactive discussion on the pros, cons and challenges of traveling at the end of life to access Medical Aid in Dying.
Two states in the U.S. do not have residency requirements to access their assisted dying laws. But what is really involved in traveling to use this end-of-life option?

Audrey Winograd is a hospice-trained medical social worker with experience in neurology, oncology, chronic disease, and end-of-life care. Audrey’s Patient Choices Vermont work is focused on community outreach, education, and collaboration.
She works with the public, medical professionals, and organizations to help ensure that people have knowledge and accurate information about end-of-life choices.
Sue D. Porter is the Founding Executive Director of End of Life Choices Oregon. Since 2001, Sue has worked with terminally ill people availing themselves of Oregon’s Death With Dignity Act.
Sue has spoken nationally on the right to die and participated in How to Die in Oregon, the documentary that won Sundance (2011). She has served as a Director on both the National and Oregon boards for Compassion and Choices.
All registrants will receive a recording of the program and any resources provided by the speakers.
When you register please consider a small donation to help support end of life education.