Originally published May 21, 2018.
In order to advocate for Death with Dignity in Ohio, in April these sisters-in-law both shared their powerful stories about each of their parents’ deaths. With their help, many more people are aware of Medical Aid in Dying and why it is an important option that is not yet available in Ohio.
Amy says, “After witnessing a number of loved ones suffer during their final days, I feel it is important to pass a Death with Dignity law in Ohio so that the terminally ill have a sense of peace and a feeling of control at the end of their lives.“
Amy approached Rabbi Joshua Caruso and shared with him how strongly she feels about medical aid-in-dying for the terminally ill. Through their conversations, they developed a unique presentation held at Fairmount Temple exploring Jewish attitudes toward death and dying. It included Jennifer Stern, grief counselor, and Lisa Vigil Schattinger. We welcome the attendees who joined Ohio End of Life Options following this talk to work toward Death with Dignity legislation in Ohio.
Mary’s intimate story about her mother, Mary Foti: A Better Way to Die was featured on Death with Dignity National Center’s website and Facebook page and garnered a lot of local and national attention. One Facebook user commented, “I am a former oncology nurse of 30 years. I wholeheartedly support Death with Dignity. People deserve the right to make their own choices when faced with a terminal diagnosis no matter what state they live in. The story you have shared speaks to the great need for this. Thank you for sharing.”
Amy and Mary are now asking you to support Ohio End of Life Options by donating today. With your tax-deductible donation, our group will continue raising awareness and working toward legislation in Ohio.