End of Life Options Learning Series - Dr. Donald Moore

Dr. Donald Moore
Thursday, April 4, 2024
Via Zoom
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The Physician Experience with End-of-Life Healthcare
California passed its End of Life Options Act in 2016. This law allows mentally capable, terminally ill adults the option to request and receive medication that they can choose to take to die peacefully in their sleep. Dr. Moore will give us a behind-the-scenes look at how assisted dying works in a state with a law.
Dr. Donald (Donnie) Moore is a San Diego-based end-of-life physician. His practice, Eumoria Health, provides medical aid in dying (MAiD), VSED (voluntary stopping eating and drinking), home-based palliative care, and primary care, focusing on end-of-life decision-making. Originally from New York, he attended SUNY Upstate Medical University medical school. His family medicine residency was through Michigan State before completing a hospice and palliative care medicine fellowship at UC San Diego. Dr. Moore is committed to providing patient-centered care while expanding access to and awareness of options that allow everyone to achieve what they consider to be a good death.
Ohio End of Life Options is 100% privately funded. When you register, please consider a small gift so that we can continue to provide quality end-of-life education.