Letter: “Give terminally ill Ohioans Access to end-of-life options” posted a letter to the editor today submitted by our founder Lisa Vigil Schattinger. Show your support today by commenting on the article directly at Also today, Maine’s Death with Dignity law went into effect. This is a great chance to contact your legislators to let them know that Ohioans also want this […]

Questions answered at the Ohio Academy of Family Physicians conference

Ohio End of Life Options hosted an exhibit table for the second year in a row at the family physician’s annual conference in Columbus last weekend. Dr. Diana Spade (see photo below) shared her experiences. She has been a volunteer to both patients and doctors who participated in Oregon’s Death with Dignity Act while living […]

The Plain Dealer Publishes Opinion Piece by Ann Rowland

Ann Rowland is an outspoken advocate for death with dignity legislation in Ohio. Her personal experiences with terminally ill relatives and a desire to make an impact brought her to Ohio End of Life Options. She has served on our board of directors since December 2018. Ann is a retired Assistant U.S. Attorney and so […]

Exploring Mom’s Folder of Wishes – For Healthcare Decisions Day

By Lisa Vigil Schattinger, MSN, RN December 8, 2016 and updated April 15, 2019. They say that it’s a good idea to introduce the topic of end-of-life wishes around the table at Thanksgiving. My mother and I didn’t wait until then. The day before Thanksgiving, we were in the small room that serves as her […]