Advance Directive Packet

Advance Directive Packet Includes: Advance Directives: What you need to know – page 1 Ohio Advance Directive from CaringInfo – page 3-36 Alzheimer’s Disease/Dementia Mental Health Advance Directive from End of Life Washington (NOT legally binding in Ohio) – page 37-48 Ohio Do Not Resuscitate – Comfort Care (DNR-CC) form, a medical order to be […]

The Generational Impact of ALS: The Importance of Advance Planning

Written by: Laura Taxel

Brandy Gleason’s mother, Nannette Livingston, passed away in 2019 at 56. The cause of death was ALS, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. The same disease took Brandy’s grandmother and great-grandfather. Often called Lou Gehrig’s Disease in memory of the famous New York Yankees baseball player whose career it ended in 1939, ALS is a progressive neurodegenerative disease that starts with muscle weakness and leads to loss of all motor function and ultimately complete paralysis. It is always fatal.

Advance Care Plan Series

Register Now: April is Healthcare Decisions Month
Advance Care Planning can often be overwhelming. We are here to help you get started. Join us for this three-part, interactive series where you’ll have the opportunity to ask questions, complete documents, and get a plan in place to share your wishes.