Health Journalism 2016 Conference panel includes Vigil Schattinger helping define a “good” death
The Health Care Journalists’ Health Journalism Conference 2016 included the panel topic “Defining a “Good” Death – and How We Cover It.” On Friday, April 8, 2016, Lisa Vigil Schattinger was included in this panel along with: Barbara Daly, Ph.D., R.N., F.A.A.N., Gertrude Perkins Oliva professor in oncology nursing, Bolton School of Nursing, Case Western University; clinical […]
Planning for end-of-life decisions
Ohio End of Life Options understands that everyone has unique experiences with death. It’s these experiences that color how people move forward in planning for their own deaths. Unfortunately, those who’ve experienced the painful and lingering death of a relative or loved one, carry that suffering with them through life. Planning for a good death […]
What Can I Do Now?
We frequently hear the question, “What can I do now?” As individuals, we have a lot of power and here are some of the things you can do: Know and be comfortable talking about the Oregon Death with Dignity Act. If you’d like a copy of the summary of Oregon’s law and data, please request it […]