Breaking News! Maine Passes a Death with Dignity Law. How you can raise awareness.
Maine’s legislature passed Death with Dignity legislation. Governor Mills just signed it making Maine the ninth jurisdiction to pass a Death with Dignity law. This means that 20% of Americans may obtain medical aid in dying. But terminally ill Ohioans do not have this option yet. Let’s use Maine’s experience to raise media and public […]
Ohio Voters Strongly Support Giving Terminally Ill Patients the Right to Control the End of Their Lives.
Pamela Gredicak: Control Over My Death
Pamela Gredicak, from the Columbus area, has shared her story on Death with Dignity National Center’s website. We reprint it here with permission. * I was first diagnosed with a rare autoimmune disease while working as a school administrator in 2001 and then diagnosed with a rare form of cancer in 2009. I am pursuing […]
Molly McMahon Graziano: Why I Support Medical Aid in Dying in Ohio
Our Director of Education and Outreach Molly McMahon Graziano wrote a guest article for Death with Dignity National Center on her thoughts on medical aid in dying and her personal experience as an end of life caregiver. We reprint it here with permission. * I was recently talking with a friend about my work with […]
Board Member, Mark Weber, eloquently expresses his thoughts on support of death with dignity style legislation
Several weeks ago, I turned 70. This “magic number” made me think about how much time I have left and what will be the life quality of those years. According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), 55% of us will die from some kind of terminal illness. A terminal illness is an incurable and […]